Jane DeMeulemester

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Should You Use Monistat for Your Dog’s Ear Infection? (No, Use This Instead!)

Ear infections in dogs are painful and uncomfortable. Some pet parents try to treat them with Monistat, but there’s a product that’s far superior and that supports total ear health. No dog parent wants to see their pooch in pain, but ear infections are a common issue dogs face that cause itching and discomfort. Some […]

Should You Use Monistat for Your Dog’s Ear Infection? (No, Use This Instead!) Read More »

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A Complete Guide to Your Cat’s Ear Infection and Ear Mites

Infections and mites are common cat ear problems. Knowing the symptoms and what you can do to treat and prevent cat ear infections will keep your kitty happy and pain-free. Cats rely on an acute sense of hearing for communication, hunting, and navigating their environment. Because hearing is essential for cats, pet parents must pay

A Complete Guide to Your Cat’s Ear Infection and Ear Mites Read More »

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