August 2024

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Why Positive Reinforcement Is the Best Way to Train Your Dog

Aversive dog training methods use punishment and intimidation, often leading to physical harm, fear and aggression. Positive reinforcement training, which comes from a gentle, reward-based approach, is much more effective as well as humane. Over the past few decades, we have seen a shift from aversive dog training methods to force-free, positive reinforcement training. Instead

Why Positive Reinforcement Is the Best Way to Train Your Dog Read More »

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Dog Accidentally Ingests Marijuana During Walk With Owner

A dog gets rushed to the vet after accidentally ingesting marijuana during a beach walk with owner on Saturday, July 27. The owner, Stephen Davidson, 59, said his eight-year-old West Highland terrier, named Oscar, started acting strangely after their usual beach walk in Sheerness, Kent, England. Davidson tells the New York Post that Oscar, who

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