Spider bites on dogs are something owners should know how to recognize. Your dog could get sick from these bites, so it’s important to know which dangerous spiders live in your area, how to spot a spider bite and what to do about it.
“It’s pretty easy to spot insect and spider bites on humans, but pet fur makes it difficult,” says Dr. Michael Herman, a veterinarian at Pet Medical Center of Vero Beach. He advises looking for swollen areas, redness and lumps. Areas with less fur, such as noses and ear flaps, are more likely to receive bites, but they could occur anywhere. “Bites on the body are hard to see under the fur, so they often become infected before spotted.”
Pay particular attention to these four when thinking about your dog’s health:
Black widow spiders are found in every state except Alaska, according to Pet Poison Helpline. They’re small, black, shiny spiders with an orange or red hourglass mark. Young females are brown and the hourglass mark is very light. Their venom is highly toxic to dogs and may cause cramping, tremors, drooling or vomiting.
The brown widow, a relative of the black widow, is found in the southern states, according to Clemson University. These spiders range from cream, light-brown colored to dark brown. It has the hourglass marking in yellow or orange instead of red. Brown widows often have black or white spots running down their backs and dark bands on their legs. Their venom is just as toxic as the black widow, though they are less aggressive so bites aren’t as common.
This spider is located in the southern parts of the country. It measures 8 to 13 millimeters and is brown in color with long legs. The body is shaped like a violin, says the Pet Poison Helpline. The venom causes tissue damage at the bite location. Animals bitten may experience vomiting, fever, bleeding, bruising, skin lesions and lethargy.
These giant spiders are native to the southwest, but can be found anywhere due to their growing popularity as pets. Tarantula venom causes pain at the bitten area. It can also cause oral pain if your dog bites down on the spider. In addition, ingesting the tarantula’s stiff hairs can cause dogs to drool or vomit. Despite bringing pain and illness, tarantula bites typically don’t cause lasting damage.
Dogs might yelp when bitten by a spider, Herman says, and they may grow increasingly anxious and excited. Some dogs will whine or excessively lick the wound site. He adds to look for “drunk walking,” as bites often impact coordination. “If your dog seems to be in pain, distress or just not acting like himself, there’s probably a reason,” he says.
Symptoms vary depending on the type of spider and amount of venom released when bitten, Herman says. He lists the following as possible symptoms of spider bites on dogs:
Stay calm for the sake of your pet, Herman advises. Call your veterinarian right away and seek advice. If it’s after hours, call the emergency clinic. “If you see the spider that bit your dog, try to put it in a jar for identification by a veterinarian, and tell your dog sitter to do the same. This helps us know what we’re dealing with,” Herman says.
Herman says most spider bites on dogs are very treatable, especially when found early.
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