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UPDATE: Bella was found on Tuesday, Nov. 26 according to her owner’s Andre and Tamara Fournier. The family says they are ecstatic to have her home.
A family is making pleas online for help finding their dog Bella, who went missing from the groomer on Friday.
The family and groomer have made posts on Facebook, Instagram and Reddit trying to garner awareness.
Bella is a mostly black Pomeranian mix that weighs about nine or 10 pounds.
The family and groomer are desperate in their search given the massive snowfall and cold weather.
“I am scared. I am in this nightmare,” owner Tamara Fournier said.
Bella was at the groomer when another dog owner opened the door to leave and she made a run for the door and escaped.
“They said, ‘Are you here for Bella?’ And I’m like, ‘Yes, I’m here for Bella.’ And she goes, ‘I’m sorry, Bella’s gone.’ And immediately this woman who was standing beside some customer said, ‘I am so sorry. It’s all my fault.’ And I’m like, ‘What do you mean it’s all your fault? Like, what do you mean? Bella’s gone?’” said Chantelle Shaan, Fournier’s mother.
The family is asking for people to check their backyard, decks, bushes and trees for any sign of her – especially if you are living in the Holiday Park, Sask Crescent or downtown areas, as that was where she had last been spotted.
The family and the groomer have been out every day searching, laying traps and hanging posters. The groomer has even offered a $2,300 cash reward for Bella’s safe return.
A local Saskatoon company will even be releasing thermal drones to help in the search.
“There has been massive search efforts from myself, our close friends, people we don’t even know on the internet. The groomer herself has been canvassing with us. She’s been out here as long as we have — if not sometimes longer, to be honest with you,” said Fournier.
Both Fournier and Shaan added that they feel no anger towards the groomer and stress that this is not their fault.
“It’s just it’s a lot of emotions. I’m angry at that customer because from our reports, she went down and she waved to Bella and picked up her dog and just proceeded to open the door as they were coming for her. So this is not on the groomer. The groomers love her like we all do, and she just needs to come home before it’s too late,” Shaan said.
The family is scared and worried for Bella’s well-being given the cold weather and heavy snow but hopes a kind-hearted person has found her and is keeping her safe and warm. They hope Bella can be returned safely as soon as possible.
Fournier and her family want to thank everyone for their kindness and help.
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