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Truth About What Pomeranians Were Originally Bred Has People Dumbfounded – AOL

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There is no better lap dog than a Pomeranian. They'll keep you company all day long. We thought we knew everything about these tiny sweet creatures. That is, until we saw a video on Instagram which completely blew our minds. And we weren't the only ones.
Did you know that Pomeranians used to be known for their physical power? It's true. These days, Poms are mostly known as companions but that wasn't always the case.
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Pomeranians can be downright tiny. In the video shared on Instagram, little Rosie is only 4 lbs! But Poms used to be much bigger. Some Poms could be twice Rosie's weight. Heck, some could weigh up to 30 lbs!
The reason why is so surprising. Pomeranians used to be bred to work and pull sleds, just like Huskies! Things have really changed so much.
Related: Adorable and Adoptable Pomeranian Is Looking for the Perfect Forever Home
People in the comments section were just as surprised. "I’ve never heard of Poms being sled-pulling dogs before! These pups are so darn adorable and precious as can be, I love them!!" exclaimed one commenter. "Okay this is the best non AI footage to exist! You win the internet today guys," another commenter teased. "We Poms are stronger than we look!!!" chimed in another Pom-loving account. "Well, this explains it! I always say, if I wore rollerblades my Pom would pull me where we need to go," added one commenter.
It does seem a little strange, but it's true! Not only did Poms pull sleds, they also herded reindeer! Isn't that so cool? Pomeranians are Spitz dogs, which means that they're closely related to Huskies, Malamutes, Samoyeds, and Atikas. All of these pups originate from the Arctic region and they've all been used as working dogs in different ways.
Perhaps our perception of Pomeranians changed because of their connection to the royal family. In the late 1800s, Queen Victoria famously fell in love with the breed while on a trip to Florence. She went on to own 35 of these stunning puppers. She even loved Poms so much that when she died in 1901 she requested that her favorite Pom Turi be with her when she passed.
We can't say that this changed the fate of Pomeranians for sure. But today the dogs aren't exactly known for their strength. Poms do tend to think of themselves as big and strong animals. Perhaps we finally know the reason why!
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