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RCMP police dog tracks down fleeing Manitoba suspect – Global News Toronto

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Manitoba RCMP say a police dog helped track down a fleeing suspect Monday morning.
Officers were called to a scene in Neepawa where a vehicle — reported stolen from Winnipeg — had been spotted, but when they arrived, the vehicle was already gone.
It was later tracked to the Onanole area and spotted in front of a business on Wapiti Drive. Police were able to arrest the driver, but the passenger took off on foot.
Police are crediting police dog Marook with finding the man a short distance away, leading to his arrest.
A 28-year-old from Saskatoon and a 25-year-old from Steinbach each face a charge of possession of property obtained by crime.
The Steinbach man was also found to have an outstanding warrant from Winnipeg and was charged with resisting arrest.
Both were released with a court appearance in the future. RCMP continue to investigate.
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