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What state is considered the most dog-loving? – Deseret News

A new analysis discovered which state in the U.S. is considered the most dog-loving state. Which one do you think it is?
If you guessed Colorado, you are barking up the right tree.
OurFitPets.com analyzed “Google searches for ‘dog grooming’ and ‘dog toys,’ the number of dog parks, the number of dog owners as well as the number of dog-friendly long-term home rentals” to rank states out of a score of 50 to determine the one that loves dogs the most.
Colorado scored 39.3 points out of 50 “and had the highest combined number of searches for ‘dog grooming’ and ‘dog toys’ at 186 monthly searches per 100,000 residents,” per OurFitPets.com.
Out of the 5.8 million Colorado residents, 47.2% of citizens own a dog, and the state also hosts a total of 110 dog parks, which breaks down to 1.87 parks per 100,000 residents — 16.8% higher than the national average of 1.6.
Idaho ranked at second place with the highest percentage of dog owners per 100,000 residents — at around 58%. At No. 3, Arizona offers “some of the highest rates of dog-friendly home rentals, at 50 per 100,000 residents, beating the national average of 20.6 by more than 142%,” per OurFitPets.com.
Forbes performed a similar analysis in February and also found Colorado to rank at the top of the list. Its analysis discovered that 43.5% of Colorado residents were willing to live on “a tighter budget in order to afford their dogs’ expenses.” It also said that 19.5% of Colorado dog owners were likely to move from an apartment to a house so their dog could enjoy a yard.
One of the most dog-friendly vacation spots in the country, according to Conde Nast, is also in Colorado. There’s a hotel called the Limelight Hotel that “offers free water bowls, treats and pet mats upon check-in, and most nearby trails are dog-friendly.” The city even has a dog-friendly Mexican cantina called Venga Venga.
The OurFitPets.com analysis ranked all 50 states to find the most dog-loving, so here are the top 10.


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