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The 13 Dog Breeds With The Wildest Wiggle Butts

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Some dogs are known for their distinct personalities or physical features, but certain breeds stand out for an especially adorable trait: their wiggling butts. These dogs don’t just wag their tails when they’re excited or happy—they put their whole back end into it, creating a full-body wiggle that’s impossible to miss. Whether they’re expressing joy, showing affection, or simply greeting their humans, these breeds have mastered the art of wiggling. Their enthusiasm brings instant smiles, filling any room with happiness and infectious energy.


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Corgis are the undisputed champions of wiggle butts. Their short legs and long bodies make their behinds particularly prominent, and when they get excited, it’s like their whole back half dances. With tails docked in some countries, their wiggling is even more noticeable because their entire backside moves when they’re happy. Corgis are known for their energetic, playful personalities, and this translates directly into their enthusiastic wiggling. Whether they’re greeting you at the door or just excited about playtime, Corgi’s wiggle butt is a true testament to their joyful nature.


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Boxers are a bundle of energy wrapped up in muscle, and when they get excited, they can’t seem to contain their happiness. Their entire rear end gets in on the action, resulting in a wiggle that’s hard to miss. With their short tails and strong build, Boxers often end up wiggling so much that they look like they’re performing a full-body wag. Boxers are affectionate and friendly, and their wiggling butts are just one way they express their love for their families. Their playful, goofy nature makes their wiggle butt one of their most endearing traits.

Australian Shepherd

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Australian Shepherds are known for their intelligence, energy, and love for their humans, which often results in a high-octane wiggle butt. These active dogs are always moving, and when they’re excited, their tails and hindquarters can’t help but join in. With their fluffy tails wagging furiously and their entire rear end wiggling with excitement, Aussies can brighten anyone’s day. Whether they’re greeting their favorite people or getting ready to work, an Australian Shepherd’s enthusiastic wiggling is a direct reflection of their lively and loyal personality.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

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Staffordshire Bull Terriers are full of personality, and their wiggle butts are one of their many lovable traits. Despite their stocky build, these dogs are incredibly nimble, and their tails wag so vigorously that their entire back end wiggles with joy. Staffies are known for their affectionate nature and love for their families, which is often expressed through their exuberant wiggling. Whether it’s greeting you at the door or getting excited for playtime, these dogs show their happiness through their signature wiggle butts, leaving their owners smiling.

Golden Retriever

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Golden Retrievers are famous for their friendly, affectionate nature, and they’re also big fans of the wiggle butt. When a Golden gets excited, their long, feathery tails wag with such enthusiasm that their entire back half joins in. Goldens are known for their loyal, loving personalities, and their wiggling butts are just one of the many ways they express their joy. Whether they’re greeting their families or meeting new friends, a Golden Retriever’s wagging tail and wiggling rear end are sure to bring smiles to everyone around.

Labrador Retriever

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Labradors are one of the most popular dog breeds for a reason—they’re affectionate, playful, and full of love. Labradors are known for their signature tail wags that often involve their entire backside joining in. Their exuberant personalities mean they’re constantly excited to see their humans, and they can’t help but show it through their wiggle butts. Whether a Labrador is greeting you at the door or simply enjoying a game of fetch, their joyful wiggling is a clear sign of their love for life and their families.

Shiba Inu

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Shiba Inus may be known for their independent and sometimes aloof nature, but when they’re in the mood to show affection, they bring out the wiggle butt like pros. With their curled tails and unique personality, Shiba Inus have a distinctive wag that often involves their whole body. While they may not be as outwardly affectionate as other breeds, their wiggle butts are a clear indicator of when they’re excited or happy. Shibas might surprise you with their wiggling antics, especially when they’re greeting their favorite people or anticipating something fun.

English Bulldog

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English Bulldogs are built like tanks, but their slow, steady wiggle butts make them undeniably adorable. With their stocky frames and low-to-the-ground build, an English Bulldog’s wiggling often looks like a slow-motion dance. Bulldogs may not be as energetic as some of the other breeds on this list, but when they’re happy, their little tails wiggle along with their entire behind. Their wiggling shows their affectionate side, and their charming nature makes them one of the most lovable breeds when it comes to showing their happiness through their butt wiggles.

American Pit Bull Terrier

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American Pit Bull Terriers have a reputation for being incredibly affectionate and playful, and this translates directly into their enthusiastic wiggle butts. When a Pit Bull is happy, their tails wag so hard that their entire back half gets in on the action. Known for their muscular builds and loving personalities, Pit Bulls aren’t shy about showing their excitement, and their signature wiggle butts are one of their most endearing traits. Whether they’re greeting you after a long day or anticipating a fun play session, a Pit Bull’s wiggle butt is always a sign of their boundless love.


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Dachshunds may have long bodies and short legs, but that doesn’t stop them from showing off their wiggle butts when they’re happy. These little dogs are known for their playful and curious personalities, and when they’re excited, their tails wag with so much energy that their entire rear end joins in. Dachshunds are affectionate and love being close to their families, and their wiggling butts are just one way they show their joy. Whether they’re burrowing under blankets or running around the house, Dachshunds have mastered the art of the wiggle butt.

Border Collie

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Border Collies are known for their intelligence and energy, but they’re also masters of the wiggle butt. When these dogs get excited, their tails and entire rear ends start moving in a blur of happiness. Border Collies are constantly on the move, and their wiggle butts are a direct result of their energetic personalities. Whether they’re greeting their owners or getting ready to work, Border Collies show their excitement with a full-body wag that’s hard to miss. Their intelligence and affection make them one of the most animated wiggle-butt breeds.

Miniature Schnauzer

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Miniature Schnauzers are known for their unique personalities and their signature beards, but they’re also known for their enthusiastic wiggle butts. When a Miniature Schnauzer gets excited, their tails wag furiously, and their back ends can’t help but join in. These small dogs are full of energy and love, and their wiggle butts are a clear sign of how happy they are. Whether they’re greeting their families or anticipating playtime, Miniature Schnauzers bring joy with their animated and spirited wiggling.


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Rottweilers may have a tough, imposing exterior, but anyone who knows this breed is familiar with their sweet side—especially their wiggly butts. Despite their muscular build, Rottweilers are known for their affectionate and loyal nature, and when they’re happy, their entire backside joins in the excitement. Rottweilers wag their tails so enthusiastically that it often results in a full-body wiggle, especially when they greet their favorite humans. Their strong, sturdy frame might suggest seriousness, but their playful wiggle butts reveal a loving, goofy personality that’s hard not to adore.

The Wiggle Butt Champions


These dogs have truly mastered the art of the wiggle butt, using their whole bodies to show excitement and joy. From the energetic Corgi to the playful Boxer, these breeds always leave their owners grinning with their endearing wobbles. Whether it’s a small tail wag or an all-out full-body wiggle, these pups know how to brighten up any day. If you’re looking for a furry companion that brings happiness and laughter, these wiggle-butt champions are sure to add some extra joy to your life with their delightful, wiggly moves.

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