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Subtle signs that your dog could be dangerous – including when its sleeping – The Mirror

Following a spate of dog attacks leading to Rishi Sunak saying XL bully dogs will be banned by the end of the year, here are subtle signs from a vet that your dog could be dangerous
People are being warned of subtle signs that a dog could be dangerous including when they are sleeping.
A recent spate of dog attacks has led to Rishi Sunak saying that XL bully dogs will be banned by the end of the year and stating that they are a ā€œdanger to our communitiesā€.
Ian Price was one victim who died after two XL bully dogs escaped from a property and attacked him in Stonnall, near Walsall, while also this month a girl, 11, and two men were rushed to hospital after being bitten by a dog in Birmingham.
At the same time, some XL bully dog owners have said that their pets are not a danger to the public and it is down to how they are looked after. Lindsey Beaumont, from Ashford, Kent, said her familyā€™s ā€œdocileā€ dog Rosie was a ā€œlifelineā€ and ā€œbiggest comfort and helpā€ for her 16-year-old son Joe with autism.
Vet Emma Chandley has told The Mirror how there are signs that a dog is more likely to act in a dangerous manner which can be subtle. These can involve their social interaction, how they are while eating and even the way they behave while sleeping.
ā€œAll dogs have the potential to be dangerous. Some dogs are more likely to act dangerously than others. This may be due to their breed and genetic makeup. It may be a behavioural issue influenced by their upbringing, disciplining and training (or lack of),ā€ said Dr Chandley, of on behalf of Perfect Pet Insurance.
ā€œThere are many subtle signs that your dog may react dangerously in their day-to-day life. Many of these signs are present before your dog has bitten anyone. Owners need to be aware of these signs so that they can intervene and get help before their dog hurts or kills another animal or human.ā€ Here is a list of warning signs that a dog could be dangerous by Dr Chandley.
Socialisation related signs
"Dogs that won't share their toys and growl if other animals or humans touch their toys are more likely to show aggression. If the dog is nervous outside and chases cars, other animals or members of the public jogging or on a bike – this is a warning sign that the dog is nervous and dysregulated.
"If they pull and lunge at other dogs or humans when they are on the lead or show aggressive tendencies towards strangers this is also a red flag. They may be overly protective of their owner or growl or lunge if their owner interacts with another dog or human. They may feel extremely threatened when they are in the car and people pass them."
Sleep related signs
"Dogs may growl or snarl if they are made to move from a bed or sofa. They may react badly if they are touched while they are sleeping. They may become territorial over who sleeps on the bed with them, for example accepting one partner but objecting to another."
Food related signs
"Dogs will often become aggressive over food. They may snarl and growl while eating, they might stop eating when they are approached, and they may steal food and become aggressive if their owner attempts to retrieve it."
Contact related signs
"Alarm bells should be ringing if the dog won't allow certain people to touch them. Some dogs won't tolerate any sort of physical touch even in a relaxed situation with a familiar person. Some dogs will growl when being groomed or when at the vets."
"Dogs will usually growl as a warning sign to other dogs or humans. Dogs will growl when they feel threatened or frightened. Not all dogs will follow through with a snap or a bite, however, if it has got to the point when your dog is growling, this is a sign that your dog is ready to harm."
The Mirror is calling for these changes:
1. The overhaul of the Dangerous Dogs Act . An urgent review of the law is needed and tougher penalties should be considered.
2. Enforce the rules to stop the illegal and irresponsible breeding and selling of dogs.
3. A public information campaign to promote the importance of responsible dog ownership and the need for training.
Snapping or biting
"If your dog snaps or bites other dogs or humans, this is the most obvious sign they are dangerous. Dog bites vary in severity but often can be fatal, especially if young children are involved."

The behaviour of the dog may be related to negative experiences in the past and if they show some of these signs then caution should be taken, especially if it is frequently, said Dr Chandley.
She added: "Owners will often seek help when their dog has bitten someone. In many cases, unfortunately, it is too late at this point. The more subtle warning signs have been missed and the dog will continue to snap and bite as this is now a learned response. It is very important for owners to identify the early signs of aggression and seek help before it escalates to physical harm."
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