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How to Handle Aggressive Squirrels Humanely – One Green Planet – One Green Planet

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The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) is releasing guidance for neighbors that are experiencing aggressive squirrels, like those recently reported in New York City. AP News reported that a “serial squirrel,” had jumped on and bitten several residents.
Brian Shapiro, New York state director for the Humane Society of the United States, shared in an emailed statement, “It is frightening to be the recipient of aggressive behavior from a squirrel– our most common wild neighbor. However, these incidents are rare and usually a result of squirrels associating humans with a food reward. Human-supplied food alters their normal behavior into one of reliance, expectation, and confrontation for food when they encounter us. Conflicts between people and wildlife mainly arise when we fail to respect each other’s boundaries. The best way to resolve this problem is simple: the public must stop feeding squirrels by hand. If we stop feeding wildlife and leave them alone, they will leave us alone. They do not need human treats to survive. They do just fine on their own.”
It’s important to keep in mind that there has never been a case of rabies transmission from squirrels to humans, per HSUS. Keep a distance from squirrels and avoid feeding them with your hand.
Source: Eyewitness News ABC7NY/YouTube
According to Shapiro, “Historically, the few uncommon, localized incidents where this has happened were easily resolved by educating residents who cultivated the behavior. People have good intentions when they feed animals, but it ultimately results in harmful outcomes for both squirrels and humans. It is best to appreciate these animals from afar.”
Here are some tips and facts straight from HSUS to help you with squirrels:
Read more NYC animal news in One Green Planet, including the hawk that was rescued from Brooklyn.
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