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Horrifying San Francisco dog-on-dog attack on a crowded street – The Mercury News

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DEAR JOAN: I witnessed a pit bull attack another dog on a crowed street in San Francisco Sunday as I was waiting for a crosswalk light to turn green.
ppcIt was chaos; people were yelling and screaming trying to get the dogs apart. The dog being attacked was yelping in pain, his owner was punching the pit bull, trying to get it off his dog. The pit bull owner was pulling the dog’s chain unsuccessfully.
Someone poured water on the dog but it would not release its grip on the other dog’s head. This went on for at least 2 to 3 minutes. I was extremely troubled by the event.
What could have been done? How do you break up this type of dog attack without being harmed yourself? Any advice greatly appreciated.
Chris P., Hercules
DEAR CHRIS: What a traumatic event for all who witnessed it, as well as the dog owners and the dogs themselves.
Dog fights can be difficult to break up under the best of circumstances, but the chaos and panic surrounding the event might have actually have made things worse with the dogs feeding off the energy.
When confronted with dogs fighting, or one attacking the other, stay as calm as you possibly can and ignore the instinct to reach toward the aggressive dog and pull it away by the collar. In the heat of the moment, even dog owners can be bitten by their dogs.
Noise probably provides the biggest disruption, but not the shouting and screaming. Instead, bang on something or use an air horn. It should be loud and unexpected, which can break a dog’s concentration, distracting it enough that it will give up the fight.
The person who threw water was on the right track, but you need more than a bucket full. You need water from a hose.
Using something large and heavy to put between the dogs will also work, although it’s not very easy to come by at a moment’s notice. Throwing a blanket or coat over the dogs also can help break things up.
Most important, however, is to keep your distance and remain safe. Fights seldom last more than a few minutes, although they can seem like hours.
Berkeley-East Bay Humane Society will have a low-cost vaccine clinic, aimed at stemming the spread of canine flu, starting at 9 a.m. on July 13. For $15, you can have your dog vaccinated and have a microchip implanted for free.
In addition to the canine influenza vaccine, a variety of vaccinations will be offered for dogs and cats, including rabies, Bordetella, Leptospirosis, Panleukopenia, and other core vaccines and heart worm treatments. Costs for other vaccinations are $15 to $20, and include a free microchip.

A booster shot will be required in 2 to 4 weeks.
The recent outbreak of dog flu at some area shelters have dog owners worried and some vet offices swamped with requests for the vaccine.
“I am sure people will automatically assume that there is a dog flu season, just like when people tend to get the flu in the winter months, but this is not true,” said Jeffrey Zerwekh, executive director at the Berkeley-East Bay Humane Society. “Canine influenza is not seasonal and actually occurs year-round.”
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