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Guinness World Records concludes oldest dog ever review launched after Bobi's death – Guinness World Records

Guinness World Records has today published the findings of a review it conducted into the oldest dog ever record holder, Bobi, a Rafeiro do Alentejo from Conqueiros, Portugal, who died in October 2023.  
The review, conducted according to GWR’s review and appeals process, has concluded that GWR no longer has the evidence it needs to support Bobi’s claim as the record holder. 
Mark McKinley, Director of Records at GWR, who conducted the review, said: “We take tremendous pride in ensuring as best we can the accuracy and integrity of all our record titles. Following concerns raised by vets and other experts, both privately as well as within public commentary, and the findings of investigations conducted by some media outlets, we felt it important to open a review into Bobi’s record. 
“We of course require evidence for all Guinness World Records titles we monitor, often a minimum of two statements from witnesses and subject experts alongside pictures, video and where appropriate we will also assess data provided by technology relevant to the achievement. This might be GPS data for a journey record, timing-gate data for a speed record, or where available; microchip data to prove the age of a pet.” 
bobi sitting
He added: “Central to Bobi’s evidence was microchip data sourced from the Portuguese government database, the SIAC, which it transpires, when chipped in 2022, did not require proof of age for dogs born before 2008. With the additional veterinary statement provided as evidence for Bobi’s age also citing this microchip data, we’re left with no conclusive evidence which can definitively prove Bobi’s date of birth.
“Without any conclusive evidence available to us right now, we simply can’t retain Bobi as the record holder and honestly claim to maintain the high standards we set ourselves.
Of course, as with any record, we’ll gladly assess any new evidence should we receive any.
Bobi’s owner has been made aware of the findings of the review. 
bobi close up of his face
Speaking about who the new record holder might be, and the future of the record title, McKinley said: “It’s going to take a long time for microchip uptake around the world to catch up with pet ownership, especially of older pets.  
“Until that time, we’ll require documentary evidence for all years of a pet’s life, we’ll continue to ask for vet and witness statements and we’ll also consider microchip data as well where available.
“It’s for this reason that we’re not yet in a position to confirm a new holder for the record, although we certainly hope that the publicity around the record title encourages pet owners from around the world to get in touch.” 
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