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Group warns pet owners about 'aggressive' coyotes spotted in Brownsburg – WRTV

BROWNSBURG — A local animal recovery group is warning pet owners to be cautious after they noted some coyotes acting unusually aggressive near one of their feeding stations.
Animal Containment & Education (ACE) posted the warning to pet owners in Brownsburg. The group says they are working a case on the north side of the city where coyotes are commonly seen, but the ones that have been showing up on their cameras lately have been acting a bit strange.
“Typically we see 1-2 coyotes together behaving fine and lost dogs do a great job of navigating around coyotes,” the group said in their post.
“With that said, I’ve watched coyotes packing up and acting aggressively around our feeding stations.”
The group says coyotes don’t generally eat the food that they put out at the feeding stations, but in recent days they’ve been showing up in packs.
“That concerns me there is some hunger issues or they really like Natural Balance canned dog food,” the group posted.
“Please keep your pets inside and supervise them outside. Inside and outside fences. Coyotes can jump fences and when they run in packs, they can be dangerous, even to larger dogs.”


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