Cold Weather Dogs: Dog Breeds That Love the Cold

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By Alicia Kort

Westend61 GmbH / Alamy Stock Photo
There are plenty of pups out there who can handle the cold weather much better than humans can. Many dogs were bred to work jobs in cold climates, including guarding livestock, herding, and pulling sleds across the tundra. Their fluffy, voluminous coats not only inspire most humans to pet them but also allow them to easily handle very cold temperatures — though they can struggle with warmer weather.

If you’re considering adopting a pup, these cold-weather breeds are known for their enthusiasm and they’ll eagerly join you on any outdoor adventures, even in the frostiest conditions. And they’re not just adept to colder temps; they’re incredibly affectionate and devoted members of the family. We rounded up 10 of the best dogs of all sizes for cold weather below.

10 Best Dog Breeds for Cold Weather


Oleksii Syrotkin / Stocksy

1. Siberian Husky

Unsurprisingly, Huskies are at the top of this list. This medium-sized northern breed hails from Siberia, a province in Russia known for its frigid temperatures, and can weigh as much as 60 pounds and reach 23.5 inches at shoulder height. You might be most familiar with Huskies from hearing about the famous Balto, who was part of a sled dog team that delivered desperately needed medicine across Alaska.

Despite their chilly origins, Huskies are adaptable and can live in warmer climates or small urban spaces. Huskies love to run, so they should always be kept on a leash or in a fenced area and require several hours of exercise per day. They also have a double coat, which helps keep them insulated in the cold, that should be brushed weekly. Their undercoat needs to be raked and blown out twice a year.


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2. Alaskan Malamute

The Husky’s larger cousin, the Alaskan Malamute, can weigh up to 80 pounds and stand as tall as 25 inches at shoulder height. While the Husky is a more compact cold-weather pup, the Alaskan Malamute is a powerfully built dog ready to tow anything through the snow. Because of their working background and history of living in packs, Malamutes can grow bored easily and need a leader to keep them in line. If their person does not establish themselves as the pack leader, Malamutes can be hard to train and control. The Malamute’s coat — a double coat with a tendency to serve as a home for mites — is also a little more high-maintenance and requires daily brushing.


Arina Dmitrieva / Pexels

3. Samoyed

Samoyeds, nicknamed “Sammies,” used to be working dogs who braved negative-degree days with ease. Sammies look like they’re perpetually smiling, but their upturned mouths keep them from drooling. This fluffy white dog breed is affectionate, great with young children, and prefers to spend as much time as possible with their families. Their thick, double-coated fur — the top coat is wiry while the undercoat is soft and wooly — tends to mat and needs to be brushed daily. They shed a little all year round but also have two big shedding seasons. Samoyeds can weigh as much as 65 pounds and reach 23.5 inches in height.


Nikita Korchagin / Pexels

4. American Eskimo Dog

The American Eskimo Dog looks a lot like the Samoyed’s younger sibling. The American Eskimo Dog can be three different sizes: Toy, Miniature, and Standard. The Standard American Eskimo Dog can weigh up to 35 pounds and be as tall as 19 inches at shoulder height. This small breed thrives in the snow and is a joy to watch whenever several inches cover the ground.

The American Eskimo Dog has boundless energy and high intelligence, so they need plenty of walks and playtime with their families. This pup can become destructive if left alone for too long; they prefer the company of people to solitude. Like the other breeds on this list, the American Eskimo Dog has a double-coat that sheds twice a year and must be brushed every few days.


Becky Swora / Alamy Stock Photo

5. St. Bernard

The St. Bernard used to traverse the snowy Swiss Alps, searching for lost or injured people. St. Bernards, who can weigh up to 180 pounds, make great hiking companions thanks to their mountain origins. Needless to say, the cold doesn’t bother this ruggedly powerful pup, but the heat does. St. Bernards are not happy in temperatures above 75 degrees and should be kept inside on hot, humid days. This is partially due to their longer fur (though there is a variety of St. Bernard with shorter fur), which needs to be brushed on a weekly basis, and more often during shedding periods. Despite this breed’s former occupation, they don’t require as much exercise as some other breeds on this list; they only need a long walk and half an hour of play.


manfredxy / Alamy Stock Photo

6. Tibetan Terrier

Tibetan Terriers hail from the snowy mountains of Tibet, where they traditionally served as watchdogs and companions to Buddhist monks. This breed is on the smaller side of the medium-sized dog spectrum — they can weigh as much as 30 pounds and reach 17 inches tall at shoulder height — and boast a snowshoe-like furry foot that helps them pad through treacherous slopes with ease. Tibetan Terriers rock quite the stylish double-coated fur-do, which does need to be maintained by regular brushing and trips to the groomer. Tibetan Terriers are moderately active and highly affectionate dogs who can serve as hiking buddies and love playing. They generally do pretty well in warmer climates, but their warm coats can still cause them to overheat.


Kike Arnaiz / Stocksy

7. Icelandic Sheepdog

The Icelandic Sheepdog is the only dog native to Iceland. This breed strongly resembles a fox and has the intelligence to match; this small herding pup has the agility and skill to keep farm animals in check. They can weigh up to 30 pounds and reach 18 inches at shoulder height.

Despite their association with sheep, these pups are moderately active instead of high-energy, but they will still need a long walk and mentally stimulating play. They are cold-weather dogs, so they need to be carefully monitored if they’re out playing in warm weather. Icelandic Sheepdogs make great companions to families with small children and other pets but do leave a trail of fur around their homes year-round. This double-coated breed is always shedding a little bit, but they also have shedding seasons.


rzoze19 / Shutterstock

8. Newfoundland

The Newfoundland shares a name with the northeastern Canadian province from which it originally hails — a place that tends to be quite cold and damp. Luckily, these dogs have dense, single coats that can be black, brown, gray, or black and white to protect them in cold climates, but which can cause them to overheat in hot weather.

These long-faced pups are famously good with children, so much so that a Newfie is featured in Peter Pan as the kids’ “nanny” dog. Newfoundlands are great swimmers and need a moderate amount of exercise to thrive. These gentle giants can weigh up to 180 pounds and reach up to 28 inches tall and should be brushed once a week and more frequently during shedding seasons.


PavelRodimov / iStock

9. Finnish Lapphund

The Finnish Lapphund was bred to herd a slightly more unusual animal: Reindeer. This intelligent, medium-sized breed can weigh up to 53 pounds and reach up to 21 inches at shoulder height and used to chase their charges around the Arctic Circle. These dogs know when it’s time to work and sometimes need to be convinced to play, but they’re also even-keeled and more than capable of relaxing at home with family and younger children.

This fluffy, fox-like pup boasts a double coat that needs to be brushed weekly during shedding seasons. Their coat helps them self-regulate in both colder and warmer temperatures, so they should never be shaved, as doing so will have the opposite effect.


Petro / AdobeStock

10. Great Pyrenees

The Great Pyrenees is a calm, regal pup whose fluffy coats kept them warm while they guarded livestock in the mountains. Despite their large stature — they can weigh more than 100 pounds and be as tall as 32 inches at shoulder height — they prefer lower levels of activity. They used to defend livestock from predators such as wolves, so they tried to save their energy for those encounters. Their thick double coats can cause them to overheat in warmer weather, but it is dirt- and tangle-resistant, so it doesn’t require as much brushing. They vigorously shed their undercoat several times a year and will need help brushing it out.

How do these breeds do in fair or hot weather?

All of the breeds on this list are more than happy to feel the wind rustling their fur in fair weather, but when it gets up into 80-degree territory, pet parents should limit the time their pups spend outside in the heat. Some breeds are less bothered by warm weather than others, but in general, the largest, double-coated dogs shouldn’t be sprinting around in hot temperatures because they can overheat and struggle to catch their breath. Pet parents should limit their dogs’ time outdoors to potty breaks and short walks and keep most of their play indoors on scorching days.

Grooming cold weather dogs

Cold-weather pups all boast big, furry coats, and no matter what climate you live in, these coats will shed multiple times a year and, in some cases, year-round. If not properly cared for, their coats can become matted or harbor infections, so it is important to know what you’re getting into when it comes to grooming.

How much do long-haired dogs shed?

The best dogs for cold weather shed quite a bit; pet parents should be prepared to brush them weekly to keep their coats healthy. Most of the dogs on this list have double coats, which means that the undercoat will shed twice a year. That coat needs to be brushed or blown out by the owner or a groomer during the shedding seasons, or not only will the pup shed all over the house, but their coat can also grow matted.

How often should you brush your dog?

Every dog breed requires a different amount of brushing. It also depends on the season. Some of the fluffiest dogs on this list need to be brushed every day, but most can manage with a brushing session once a week (if it isn’t shedding season). Most dogs on this list have two coats — an undercoat and a topcoat. It is usually the undercoat that sheds twice a year. Intrepid pet parents can opt to handle shedding season without professional help, but groomers have special tools to get the undercoat brushed out to give both you and your dog relief.

What type of brush should you use?

If your dog has a double coat, you will need to use multiple types of brushes. You can use a regular de-matting brush to work out tangles, snags, and loose fur. Think of it as a daily or weekly maintenance tool. During shedding season, when pet parents need to help their pup shed their undercoat, they’ll need a pin brush or a rake brush to try to coax that loose hair out.

What if they get tangles or mats?

Your pup likely got those mats because you’re only brushing the top layer of their coat. When you only brush the top layer, you’re pushing mats down closer to their skin, which means they’ll be harder to extract. Going forward, pet parents should make sure they’re brushing all the way down through the undercoat. Your first step against mats should be a detangling conditioning spray and a brush. If the mats are too numerous, take your pup to a groomer.

Do cold-weather dogs need baths?

Just like any dog, yes. Baths can help remove dirt and keep your pup’s skin healthy, but if some breeds are bathed too often, it can cause skin irritation and for the dog’s natural oils (which helps keep their coat healthy) to dry out. It can help to invest in a dog shampoo made for double-coated breeds. Just be sure to thoroughly rinse your pup because leftover shampoo can irritate their skin.

Should I shave my dog in the summer?

No, you should not shave your double-coated dog during the summer because shaving your pup can have the opposite effect that you think it will. Their double coat helps them regulate their body temperature — even when it’s warm. Without their coats, they will struggle to cool off in the summer. If you’re struggling to keep up with their shedding season, take them to a groomer regularly to keep their coat healthy.

Considering adopting a cold-weather dog? 

When you’re ready to adopt, visit Adopt A Pet to find available dogs in your area. You can filter by size, sex, fur color, and even breed then learn more about their personality and temperament. Find the perfect pup for you.

Alicia Kort is a writer and editor living in Brooklyn. She’s currently the senior commerce editor at Apartment Therapy. She’s been published in StyleCaster, Electric Literature, NewsweekInterviewBrooklyn magazine and more. In her free time, she runs, reads, and spends time with her dog-nieces, Maya and Lady, and her cat-niece, Pepper.

Best of Adopting a Dog, Best of Breed Information, Dog Breeds, Pet Health and Safety |

This post was originally published on this site

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