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blue News readers show off their four-legged friends – blue News

Vanessa Büchel
Blue enchants us amidst the splendor of summer flowers – and beams with the sun.
Image: V.C.
This little brat goes by the name of Pepa.
Image: A.M.
Ares impresses with his noble stature. You could almost think you were looking at a wolf.
Image: S.J-O.
Timo loves long walks on the beach and sunsets 😉
Image: B.K.
Shaila is clearly enjoying the good weather on her excursions.
Image: M.P.
Mabu is good at sticking his tongue out like Einstein.
Image: A.H-P.
Kassiopeia is a real snow bunny and loves to stretch out towards the sun in winter.
Image: P.S.
Like a little bat: With her cute ears, Pina looks simply adorable.
Image: K.W.
If you take a quick look, you could almost think this is a little sheep that has made itself at home. But it's just sweet Knut posing perfectly for the photo.
Image: S.P.
He looks like a model! Lino couldn't pose any more elegantly. According to his owner, the four-legged friend appears in a Swisscom advertisement.
Image: G.H-B.
Even dogs deserve a birthday party: Gaia celebrates appropriately with a treat.
Image: F.K.
Oskar, who needs to recover from the stresses and strains of life – a long walk on the beach by the Atlantic.
Image: M.B.
Meanwhile, Shila and Chiara prefer to relax on a bench.
Image: F.K.
Zora also sometimes needs something to wake her up in the morning. With her cute, pinched eyes, she just looks cuddly.
Image: G.H.
Like all dogs, Ida loves to sniff.
Image: M.F.
Miler sits contentedly in the lush green meadow and is on his best behavior.
Image: C.S
Linux looks curiously at the camera. He later pays attention to the beautiful mountain panorama in the background.
Image: M.G.
Mio always has everything in view.
Image: M.F.
Dogs are also a regular sight in the blue newsroom. Like Pixie, who can only be heard snoring softly from time to time.
Image: M.S.
Sweet Milo is also part of the editorial team. Unfortunately, he is rarely seen in the newsroom.
Image: F.K.
Laika always graces the blue newsroom when her owner goes on vacation and our editor looks after the dwarf dachshund.
Image: C.H.
Lizzy is also part of the blue editorial dog team and is a regular visitor to the newsroom.
Image: V.G
Blue enchants us amidst the splendor of summer flowers – and beams with the sun.
Image: V.C.
This little brat goes by the name of Pepa.
Image: A.M.
Ares impresses with his noble stature. You could almost think you were looking at a wolf.
Image: S.J-O.
Timo loves long walks on the beach and sunsets 😉
Image: B.K.
Shaila is clearly enjoying the good weather on her excursions.
Image: M.P.
Mabu is good at sticking his tongue out like Einstein.
Image: A.H-P.
Kassiopeia is a real snow bunny and loves to stretch out towards the sun in winter.
Image: P.S.
Like a little bat: With her cute ears, Pina looks simply adorable.
Image: K.W.
If you take a quick look, you could almost think this is a little sheep that has made itself at home. But it's just sweet Knut posing perfectly for the photo.
Image: S.P.
He looks like a model! Lino couldn't pose any more elegantly. According to his owner, the four-legged friend appears in a Swisscom advertisement.
Image: G.H-B.
Even dogs deserve a birthday party: Gaia celebrates appropriately with a treat.
Image: F.K.
Oskar, who needs to recover from the stresses and strains of life – a long walk on the beach by the Atlantic.
Image: M.B.
Meanwhile, Shila and Chiara prefer to relax on a bench.
Image: F.K.
Zora also sometimes needs something to wake her up in the morning. With her cute, pinched eyes, she just looks cuddly.
Image: G.H.
Like all dogs, Ida loves to sniff.
Image: M.F.
Miler sits contentedly in the lush green meadow and is on his best behavior.
Image: C.S
Linux looks curiously at the camera. He later pays attention to the beautiful mountain panorama in the background.
Image: M.G.
Mio always has everything in view.
Image: M.F.
Dogs are also a regular sight in the blue newsroom. Like Pixie, who can only be heard snoring softly from time to time.
Image: M.S.
Sweet Milo is also part of the editorial team. Unfortunately, he is rarely seen in the newsroom.
Image: F.K.
Laika always graces the blue newsroom when her owner goes on vacation and our editor looks after the dwarf dachshund.
Image: C.H.
Lizzy is also part of the blue editorial dog team and is a regular visitor to the newsroom.
Image: V.G
Today is World Dog Day. Because man's best friend deserves to be honored. After all, they are loyal companions and good souls. blue News readers celebrate their four-legged friends and show off their favorite photos.
10.10.2024, 15:10
10.10.2024, 18:18
Vanessa Büchel
Dogs are so much more than just pets, they protect their owners, accompany us wherever we go, are loyal souls, best friends, stress-relievers and comforters. Sometimes cuddling a dog or letting it lick you can work wonders. Even if the latter may sound a bit disgusting, let's admit it – it's somehow good for the soul.
Our faithful furry friends can't be praised enough. That's why October 10 is all about dogs.
On this day, your four-legged friend deserves lots of cuddles, a special treat or more playtime than usual.
For World Dog Day, blue News readers show us their favorite snapshots of their best friend. But what exactly makes dogs so unique? Eleven facts about our four-legged friends that you may not have known.
Several studies have shown that dogs are good for people's well-being. South Korean scientists have come to the conclusion in an experiment that spending time with dogs can reduce stress. It is also said to relax you and improve your concentration.
The nose is a dog's most important sensory organ. But why is it always wet? As Vetstreet writes, this is because they are better able to assess odors with a wet nose. In addition, the dog's sensory organ itself also produces moisture from the inside – with the help of mucous membranes. The permanently released fluid ensures that the scent molecules also reach the rearmost olfactory cells. Incidentally, dogs have many, many more of these than humans. They can pick up the scent of a person even after they have long gone. Dogs can also use their nose to sniff out their master's or mistress' feelings, because when we humans are afraid, for example, we sweat.
A dog's nose print is comparable to a human's fingerprint. Because everyone is unique. In the dog world, a database of nose prints would therefore be kept in order to detect crimes.
Many people are unaware that dogs have three eyelids. The so-called nictitating membrane is also found in cats and, according to Tierversicherung.biz, is involved in the production of tear fluid in four-legged friends. It ensures that the eye remains protected and moisturized.
Dogs only have a few sweat glands located on their paws. However, these do not serve to regulate body temperature, but are there to leave scent markers for conspecifics, as Bavarian radio explains. When dogs are hot and need to cool down, the only thing that helps is panting. In other words, they stick out their tongue to regulate their body temperature.
There are right- and left-handed people. What about dogs? The four-legged friends also have a preference as to which paw they use. In a survey, Embark examined 105 dogs for their paw dominance – and came to the conclusion that just over 60 percent are right-pawed.
Dog owners who have to leave their best friend alone probably often ask themselves: Does my dog realize how long I've been gone? As "Ein Herz für Tiere" writes, your four-legged friend may not have a sense of hours, minutes or seconds, but he does have a sense of time. This is because his biological clock enables him to memorize patterns and routines and assign them to specific times or events. That's why your dog knows exactly when it's time to eat.
The Great Dane Kevin was considered the largest dog, but died in June 2024, just a few days after being awarded the title by Guinness World Records. He measured 97 centimetres from his feet to his withers at the neck. Zeus, also a Great Dane, is now displayed when you click on the world's largest dog on the world record page. He is said to be 2.23 meters tall when standing.
As John Lennon (1940-1980) once revealed in an interview, the Beatles' song "A Day in the Life" (1967) contains a frequency that can only be heard by dogs. The song's Wikipedia page also states that sound engineer Geoff Emerick agreed that "after the final chord, a high-frequency whistle, similar to a dog whistle, was mixed in to give dogs something to listen to as well".
According to eyewitness reports, there were a total of twelve dogs accompanying their owners on board the Titanic. Only three of them survived the shipwreck of 1912.
While the cheetah is known as the fastest land animal in the world, the greyhound cannot keep up with the big cat over short distances, but it would beat the cheetah in a long-distance race. According to "Psychology Today", the big cat can reach speeds of up to 113 kilometers per hour, but can only keep up for around 274 meters. A greyhound can maintain around 56 kilometers per hour for up to eleven kilometers.


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