Why is my cat hiding

Discover 6 Reasons Why Your Cat Might Be Hiding

Why is my cat hiding

Do you have a cat who likes to hide under your bed or sofa? Then you are not alone. A lot of cats enjoy hiding for various reasons.

Understanding why your cat behaves in a certain way can help you provide your cat with a peaceful and lovely environment. It will also help you build a strong bond with your feline.

Here are 6 possible reasons why your cat is trying to hide,

  • Shyness

When a cat feels shy, its first instinct will be to hide. This natural response allows the felines to feel safe and protected. Almost all cats when they are brought to their house for the first time, will exhibit shyness. Hence, you have to give enough time for the cats to get used to their new surroundings. What this does is, give the cats the confidence and comfort to come out from hiding.

Meanwhile, you can give your cat some space and let it approach you whenever it feels like it.

  • Nap Break

When it’s time for a nap, cats know exactly what it has to do. They try to hide in a safe and cosy spot where they can nap without getting disturbed while getting proper rest as well. This habit in cats to hide before sleeping comes from their instinct to stay safe. Their ancestors in the wild used to do this to stay protected from predators.

  • Playing

Cats are natural hunters and they mainly do their hunting through stalking. So when you see your cat hiding and then leaping out at you or another pet, know that they are simply having a good time. If you see your cats doing this often, you can offer them a scratching post having caves and sections to hide. This will engage your cats effectively and also keep them out of trouble.

So next time you see your cats hiding, remember that they are just trying to have fun.

  • Separation Anxiety

Contrary to popular thinking, cats are highly social animals and form a strong bond with their owners. This is why many cats experience separation anxiety when their owners leave the house for some time. This can be problematic for cat sitters, who will often find the cats go into hiding. So if your cats go missing when you are about to leave the house, they might just be anxious.

You can provide your cats with a cosy place to hide till you are back.

  • Sickness

If your otherwise social cat suddenly starts hiding, it could be a sign that something is wrong. Also, know that your cats will only come out when they feel confident and safe. If your cat is feeling sick, it likely will spend more time in its hiding spot to recover.  If you see your cat is showing odd behaviour, you should consult with your vet without any delay. Consulting with the vet at the right time ensures that your cat stays healthy and happy in the years to come.

  • Hunting

If you have seen any cat hunting its prey, you may seen how it hides themselves to stay unnoticed. This helps them to increase the chances of catching the prey off-guard. While hunting in the wild through an ambush, a cat will try hiding behind a bush or a rock. In your home, it could be behind a sofa or under a table. Either way, hiding is an integral part of their hunting.

All in All,

You have seen the top six reasons why a cat exhibits hiding behaviour. Remember that cats love to spend time in small spaces, and often search for long duration to find the perfect hiding spot. Hence, offer your cats plenty of areas to hide and make them feel safe and comfortable in your house. Also, next time you can’t find your cat, don’t be worried, as they are doing what comes to them naturally.

This post was originally published on this site

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