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Signs you have an aggressive dog – KEYE TV CBS Austin

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by Chelsea Torres and Photojournalist Everett Allen
SAN ANTONIO – Dog owners often believe their pet is friendly, then many times that pet may snap surprising the owners.
"Majority of the time, there's going to be warning signs," says dog expert and trainer, Dakoda Riddle, owner of Lone Star State K9, an obedience and training facility in Devine, Texas.

Riddle believes hits along the way can help show aggressive behavior, "it's up to us to step in at that time and start trying to fix those issues," he says.

What signs should you look for in an aggressive dog? Riddle says aggression is typically based off fear and being uncomfortable.
A small sign could be licking lips. Larger signs may be a dog cowering near you, having a rigid, stiff body, or begin barking and lunging.
When these signs are shown, "getting him in a kennel, getting him in a safe spot, making sure they're secured whenever you aren't at home, or whenever having guests over," Riddle says the majority of incidents happen at home.
If the situation becomes worse, what can be done?
According to our dog expert, do not make any sudden reactions. Riddle says, "the last thing we want to do is start reacting when the dog is coming towards us," so basically, don't panic.
"Make yourself look big, raise your voice, if you can get something in between you and the dog, that would definitely help out," he says.
Although it may not be financially feasible for all, the best way to adjust behavior in dogs is with proper training. However, before getting a dog, do thorough research and do not ignore the early signs of aggression.
For some more life-saving tips, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, there are several levels of aggression. Knowing what triggers your pet is important.
It's important to not run suddenly from an aggressive dog, but back away slowly and avoid direct eye contact, instead use side-eye contact.


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