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8 things you should know about natural skin and wound healing

How to heal wounds and skin issues without antibiotics and chemicals

In most cases toxic chemicals and antibiotics can be replaced by a natural alternative.  Here are 8 things you may want to know about the natural skin and wound healing alternative. If you enjoy this video, please share it with your friends and family. 

Video content

0:22 – What is Skin Spray and how does it work?
1:40 – What is the story behind Skin Spray?
4:00 – Why was the name changed from Healing Solution to Skin Spray?
4:43 – Who can use Skin Spray?
7:30 – Why to avoid antibiotic creams and other conventional wound care products?
9:52 – Did you ever need to use Skin Spray on Skai?
10:25 – Do you travel without Skin Spray?
10:40 – Is there a way for Skin Spray to be less expensive?

8 things you should know about Skin Spray 

Important links

© Dr. Peter Dobias, DVM

This post was originally published on this site

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