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11 Dog Breeds That Don’t Shower You With Drool

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For many dog owners, excessive drooling is a dealbreaker. While some breeds are notorious for soaking everything in their path, several breeds manage to keep their slobber under control. These low-drool dogs are perfect for those who want to avoid the constant need for towels and cleanup. They bring all the love, companionship, and fun of a canine friend—without the extra moisture. Whether you’re looking for a small lap dog or a larger companion, there’s a drool-free dog to fit your lifestyle.


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Known as the “barkless dog,” the Basenji is quiet and one of the cleanest dog breeds. This breed is often compared to a cat due to its self-grooming habits, and they certainly don’t produce a lot of drool. With their short coat and elegant appearance, Basenjis are low-maintenance in grooming, and their tight lips mean minimal drooling. Basenjis are independent and intelligent, often displaying a strong will but incredibly loyal to their families. Their tidy, drool-free nature makes them an excellent choice for owners looking to avoid constant mess.


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Poodles, whether Toy, Miniature, or Standard, are among the cleanest and least drool-prone breeds. With their tight lips and elegant posture, Poodles are well known for their hypoallergenic coats and minimal shedding, and the lack of drool only adds to their appeal. Poodles are highly intelligent and easy to train, making them great companions for families, singles, and seniors. They thrive on companionship and are incredibly loyal, but you won’t have to worry about a flood of slobber when they’re excited. A Poodle might be perfect if you want a smart, elegant dog without the drool.


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The tiny Chihuahua may have a big personality, but it certainly doesn’t have a big drooling problem. Known for their confidence and spunky attitudes, Chihuahuas are among the least drool-prone dog breeds. Their small mouths and tight lips help keep the slobber at bay, making them a great choice for owners who want a clean, low-maintenance companion. Chihuahuas are incredibly loyal to their owners, often forming strong bonds and loving nothing more than curling up on a lap. If you’re looking for a drool-free dog with a lot of personality packed into a small package, the Chihuahua is a great option.


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With their long bodies and short legs, Dachshunds are adorable and low-drool dogs. Despite their playful and sometimes mischievous nature, Dachshunds are clean and typically don’t produce much slobber. Their sleek, short coats also make grooming easy, and their small size means they’re easy to manage in any living space. Dachshunds are loyal, loving companions who enjoy spending time with their families, but you won’t have to worry about them covering you in slobber every time they get excited. This breed is perfect for those who want a playful, affectionate dog without the extra mess.

Border Collie

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Border Collies are known for their intelligence and energy, but they are also among the least drooly breeds. These herding dogs are always on the move, and their tight lips keep drooling to a minimum. Border Collies require plenty of mental and physical stimulation, but you’ll avoid the mess of constant slobber in exchange for keeping up with their energetic lifestyle. These dogs are highly trainable and make excellent companions for active individuals or families, and while they may leave you breathless with their energy, they won’t leave you covered in drool.

Australian Shepherd

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Like the Border Collie, the Australian Shepherd is a highly active, intelligent breed that doesn’t drool much. Aussies are known for their boundless energy and need for exercise, but their clean, tight lips make them a low-drool option for dog lovers. They are herding dogs by nature and excel in agility, obedience, and other canine sports. Australian Shepherds are loyal and smart and make great companions for those who can meet their exercise needs. While they may be busy dogs that thrive on activity, they’re a fantastic choice for anyone who prefers a clean, drool-free home.


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Known for their speed and grace, Greyhounds are surprisingly low-drool dogs despite their long, powerful bodies. These sleek racers are known for being couch potatoes once their exercise needs are met, and their calm, laid-back nature makes them excellent companions for owners who want a low-maintenance dog. Greyhounds have tight lips that keep drooling to a minimum, so you won’t have to worry about them leaving slobber trails on your furniture. Whether you adopt a retired racing Greyhound or bring home a young pup, this breed will provide love and companionship without the mess of drool.


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Closely related to the Greyhound, the Whippet is another breed known for being drool-free. With their sleek, athletic build, Whippets are fast runners who enjoy plenty of relaxation time. Their clean, short coat and tight lips mean minimal drool, and they’re generally easy to care for. Whippets are affectionate dogs that form strong bonds with their owners, but they are quiet and low-maintenance, making them ideal for families, singles, and seniors alike. The Whippet could be your perfect match if you’re looking for a loving, clean dog that doesn’t drool.

Shiba Inu

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Shiba Inus are a Japanese breed known for their independence and cat-like grooming habits. Thanks to their tight lips and compact mouths, they are not prone to drooling. Shibas are known for being clean, dignified dogs that take pride in their appearance, often grooming themselves like cats. While they may have an independent streak, Shibas are loyal to their families and can be affectionate when they choose to be. Their tidy nature and minimal drool make them a great choice for those who want a clean, low-maintenance companion with a bit of a spunky personality.

Bichon Frise

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The Bichon Frise is a small, fluffy breed known for its happy, playful nature and lack of drool. These dogs are hypoallergenic and produce minimal shedding, but they’re also known for their tight lips, which keep drooling to a minimum. Bichons are affectionate, cheerful dogs that love being around their families and thrive on attention and companionship. Their friendly, easygoing nature makes them perfect for families, singles, and seniors. If you’re looking for a loving, low-drool dog that brings joy to your home, the Bichon Frise is a fantastic choice.


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Maltese dogs are small, elegant, and don’t drool much, making them an ideal choice for those who want a clean, cuddly companion. With their silky white coats and friendly personalities, Maltese dogs are easy to love and care for. They don’t have loose jowls, so drooling is kept to a minimum, and their small size makes them perfect for apartment living or homes with limited space. Maltese dogs are affectionate lap dogs that enjoy spending time with their owners, and their minimal drooling makes them perfect for those who want a clean, low-maintenance pet.

Dogs That Won’t Drench You


Owning a dog doesn’t have to involve constant slobber and cleanup. These low-drool breeds show you can have the best of both worlds—a loyal, affectionate companion without the added mess. From the sleek Greyhound to the playful Bichon Frise, these dogs are perfect for owners who prefer a dry-mouthed friend who still brings plenty of love and joy. If you’re ready to welcome a clean, slobber-free pup, one of these breeds will surely make the ideal companion, offering affection without all the drool.

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