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2024 Dog Bite Fatality: Child Killed by Family Pit Bull in Visalia, 'Thoughts and Prayers' from Police Department – DogsBite Blog

thoughts and prayers after family pit bull kills child
“Thoughts and prayers” after Zoey Hawkins was killed by a family pit bull in Visalia.
Family Pit Bull Kills Child
Visalia, CA – A 4-year child is dead after being attacked by a family pit bull. Just after 8:00 pm on September 4, Visalia police were called to a residence in the 2300 block of West Monte Vista for a report a child had been attacked by the family’s pit bull. The child was inside the home when the attack occurred. Despite immediate medical attention and being transported to a hospital, the young girl died of her injuries. “Our thoughts and prayers are with the family during this incredibly difficult time.”
Tragic Incident Claims Life of Young Girl
Just after 8 p.m. on Wednesday, September 4, 2024, Visalia PD officers were called to a home in the 2300 block of West Monte Vista after a report that a child had been attacked by the family’s pit bull.
The 4-year-old girl had just finished swimming and was inside the home when the incident occurred. Despite immediate medical attention and being transported to the hospital, she sadly passed away from her injuries.
An investigation by Violent Crimes Detectives revealed no signs of neglect or criminal wrongdoing. This heart-wrenching event is a tragedy, and our thoughts and prayers are with the family during this incredibly difficult time. – Visalia Police Department
Last year, a man was killed by a dog in Visalia while on a business property in the 2300 block of South Santa Fe Street. The California Division of Occupational Safety and Health also responded to the scene. The victim’s name and age were not released by police nor was the breed of dog involved. In May of 2024, we received a response to our FOIA request. The male victim was 47-years old and the dog involved was a female pit bull. Dog ownership information was not disclosed per 964 PC.
Fundraiser for Family
A GoFundMe has been started to support the family. “We are heartbroken to share that Zoey, a vibrant and loving 4-year-old, tragically lost her life due to a devastating dog attack,” the organizer states. “In this time of unimaginable grief, we are coming together to support the family.” The funds will be used to cover funeral expenses. “Please consider contributing to this fund if able to help ease the hardship for Zoey’s family and honor the memory of our precious little girl who touched so many lives.”
By Saturday, the GoFundMe organized by Pearl Vargas had raised over $10,000. Vargas adds that after funeral costs are satisfied, “any remaining funds will go directly to her parents to help alleviate the financial burden they are facing during this incredibly difficult time.” Vargas has since become a spokesperson for the family. Multiple media outlets have identified the full name of the young girl as Zoey Hawkins. One meme from a relative, the child’s aunt, also identifies her as Zoey Bennett.
Child Attacked “Outside”
The father of Zoey, who has long been a pit bull addict, says police got it wrong. Zoey was not attacked inside the home. She was attacked outside just after getting out of a kiddie pool. The father went inside to get her towel, and when he turned around, “that’s when the dog had already got her,” Pearl Vargas, Zoey’s cousin said. “She’s been around this dog for two plus years,” Vargas said. “Her and the dog would always play with each other … so we have no clue on what the reason was.”
Despite the father’s addiction to pit bulls in the past, along with this Facebook Profile and Cover photos still displaying pit bulls, the parents are now saying they won’t consider getting another dog because they have two other infant children. “So, no dogs whatsoever anymore,” Vargas said. According to the parents, the pit bull latched onto her armpit. She was transported to a hospital, where she died of her injuries. The parents are still in disbelief the family pit bull “attacked her seemingly for no reason.”
Pit Bulls Are Unpredictable
The Pit Bull bites to kill without signal. Starkey v. Township of Chester (1986) … the American Pit Bull Terrier breed possesses inherent characteristics of aggression, strength, viciousness and unpredictability not found in any other breeds of dog … pit bulls are especially dangerous due to their unpredictability … American Pit Bull Terriers have been known to be friendly and docile at one moment, willing to sit on your lap and lick your face, and at the next moment to attack in a frenzied rage … Such frenzies can occur at any time and for no apparent reason. Garcia v. Village of Tijeras (1988) … to increase its effectiveness as a fighter, certain pit bull traits have been selected and maximized by controlled breeding, including … an extraordinary directness in their method of attack that does not include the common warning signs such as barking or growling displayed by other breeds; American Dog Owners Ass’n v. Dade County (1989) Pit Bulls have the following distinctive behavioral characteristics … undying tenacity and courage and they are highly unpredictable. Vanater v. Village of South Point (1989) … Pit bull dogs possess a strongly developed “kill instinct” not shared by other breeds of dogs. This testimony indicated that pit bull dogs are unique in their “savageness and unpredictability.” Hearn v. City of Overland (1989) … At the hearing regarding the ordinance’s constitutionality, the trial court was presented with evidence which established that the specific breeds targeted by the ordinance possess inherent characteristics of aggression, strength, viciousness and unpredictability not found in other dog breeds. Singer v. Cincinnati (1990)The trial court also found that pit bulls tend to be stronger than other dogs, often give no warning signals before attacking Colorado Dog Fanciers v. Denver (1991)The referee found that the qualities of a pit bull as depicted by the logo are loyalty, persistence, tenacity, and aggressiveness. We consider this as a charitable set of associations that ignores the darker side of the qualities often also associated with pit bulls: malevolence, viciousness, and unpredictability The Florida Bar v. Pape (2005)The Majority of jurisdictions have accepted the proposition that dogs of this type have a propensity to be aggressive and attack without provocation Hardwick v. Town of Ceredo (2013)
The father’s Facebook page shows multiple pit bulls. The most recent photos (2022), show there are at least three adult pit bulls in the home, and at least one is a female.
The parents had a dedicated Facebook page for their female pit bull, “Tara Lynn Hawkins.” A month before the attack, the mother tried to rehome 3 male pit bull puppies.
The father’s Facebook page also shows multiple pit bull propaganda memes. The most recent (2023), shows a man “ditching” a female counterpart and “replacing” her with a pit bull.
Related articles:
09/05/24: Children Killed by Pit Bulls Since 1980 – Fatal Pit Bull Attack Archives
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Idiots parents their little girl death wouldn’t happen if her parents chose any other dogs breed like a Golden doodle Shi Tzu border collie but no her parents choose a dangerous dog breed a vicious pitbull. I wonder how long her parents had the pitbull for when she was a baby or recently.
took a little digging but Nancy Drew found it https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-a-beautiful-farewell-for-princess-zoey?qid=2e25b9777ad561d218fa67c556f9aa68
Thank you!
It’s gonna sound mean, but no one needs that much money to bury a child. Also, part of me finds it distasteful that these negligent parents might profit by the deaths of their innocent little girl. I visited “Tara Lynn Hawkins ” Facebook page and could hardly restrain myself from asking if that creature killed poor little Zoey. I cannot for the life of me understand why the child’s mother left that page up, declaring that she’s also the pitbull’s mother, after her little girl was killed by one of those things. So much for never having another dog; they kept at least one.
So tragic. I would say the parents should be charged, but I also feel everyone complicit in foisting the lie upon the American public that pitbulls are just misunderstood and totally suitable (even preferable!) as family pets should be charged. With every new fatality (and they’re coming fast lately), my mind is blown anew at how this madness continues.
https://www.facebook.com/barbara.rodela grandmother
This didn’t have to happen to this family. Shelters and other animal welfare organizations are pushing families to take these violent dogs into their homes. Pitbull ownership is being normalized when it ought to be illegal. This little girl died a horrible death because of systemic stupidity; it’s time for society to wake up and prioritize the well-being of children, and human life in general, over dogs.
It would be nice to have a well-funded organization working for change, with billboards and ballot propositions for instance. PR and lobbying will be needed, for change to happen.
The only people who should own pit bulls should be single so if the dog turns crazy they are the only one attacked. These parents are negligent for having put bulls around children period!
Every neighbourhood has children, dogs, cats, seniors and the disabled.
Pitbulls aren’t safe around *any* of them. Doesn’t matter who owns them.
The only use for a pitbull is dogfighting and dogfighting is illegal. They’re bred for working and that work is killing other apex predators.
Pitbulls should be illegal. They weren’t bred as pets and they never will be reasonable companion dogs.
I don’t know why her family members are flabbergasted that their family dog killed her.pitbull are breed to killed livestock but they won’t admit that.I’m not really sure but back in the days people use the pitbull to fight and they outlawed that.Zoey kid you parents failed you.they could raised the pitbull with love and care but some will killed.
Just another senseless loss of life.
Note that I wouldn’t put my dog or cat within this beast’s teeth, but that is just me. I would save a dog or cat from this monster. I guess a child was worth less than a pet.
Very telling that the father is a Pitbull addict. Go work at a freaking shelter. Shame on you for having any pit bulls around your 3 children let alone 3 pit bulls. The other 2 should be put down too! And the father should be charged!
That thing that never happens just happened again.
It will keep happening until people care more about the safety of their kids than virtue signaling about having a “rescue pit”.
Nobody ever stops to think if pits are such wonderful pets, how come so many of them constantly need to be rescued?
It would seem even among fans of the breed many (I dare say most) of the pits are unable to meet the bare minimum low standards of pit bull owners.
So they continuously get dumped at shelters, “somehow” get out and are not looked for and then get picked up by animal control. Animal control than spreads the lie that they are actually the best dogs. Obviously, that’s why people dump them.
Add on top of that Dr. Duke…
Pitbulls will stop being popular when they stop being profitable.
Rescues/shelters/Pitpushing Orgs are all sucking up millions, if not billions per year by making false claims that pitbulls are “just like every other dog”
They’re not. If a GSD mauls someone, it’s a tragedy in some cases. Why? Because for all their faults and genetic traits, they generally don’t maul people *to death*–“death” being the operative word, here. If a goldie even bites someone, everyone is shocked.
All these pitpushers need to be sued and regulated out of existence. They’re profiting off human and dog, misery.
50%+ of pitbulls are dog aggressive as adults. NO other dog has anywhere near that level of aggression towards its’ own species. It’s not viable to have something that aggressive as a pet.
Make pitbulls illegal. Period.
There’s zero reason to own one except as a fighting dog and dog fighting is illegal. You can’t legally own a bobcat, or a tiger or a wolf and combined, none of those wild animals are killing a human a week, or more.
It’s crazy that people are allowed to keep pit bulls and other extreme aggression dogs. If a product or a car were killing people at the rate pits do, there would be a huge outcry and a recall. Somehow pit bulls get a free pass to attack and kill. I just don’t get it. It’s not right.
Agree 100%. Why isn’t there a ‘recall’ on these ‘defective’ supposedly domesticated dogs? Obviously they have failed to adapt to life as safe pets, so why do we continue to allow people to own them and subject everyone around them to the danger? They need to be banned with very strict consequences, ASAP.
No kill shelters at taxpayer expense are to blame.
alot of dogs get agitated when other dogs or people splash in pools jump on trampolines swing on swings etc , the sped up dynamic can cascade into disaster , german shepherds and pits are notorious for getting agitated/aggressive around water ,ANYTHING that speeds up the dynamic is at risk of disaster with aggressive dogs
I have never had a pitbull so this comment is strictly about GSDs. I have had a lot of GSDs because I once bred them. GSDs, like all breeds of dogs, require training and socialization. Leaving them chained will turn them into dangerous biters unless they are chained in an area of no stimulation. (Cats, dogs, people, squirrels, etc.). There is no better breed of dog than a family GSD if the dog is stable, socialized and trained. However, imported GSDs bred to be police dogs can be very aggressive. Those are not good pets as a general rule. My GSD SD is very reliable. I would have great difficulty finding a safer dog.
GSDs, as you’ve said Rachel vary with breeding and training.
I wouldn’t want them outlawed because they serve useful purposes, they can be amazing family pets when they’re trained up for it and they’re useful for security purposes when trained for that.
They aren’t bred to kill other dogs or species. They’re working dogs and the biggest problem is they don’t do well, when bored or mishandled as “fluffy wuffies”. They’re often smarter than their handlers.
Pitbulls, on the other hand, serve zero use outside of dogfighting.
So unless dogfighting is making a comeback in the near future–time to outlaw them.
You had a younger male GSD that sounded like trouble, if I recall – I hope you got rid of it.
I don’t get rid of GSDs because they are troublesome if I raised them. I have accepted some unwanted GSDs in order to rehome them.
The GSD my kennelman left hated me. He loved to snarl at me. He guarded his food from me. I knew that dog was a very loving dog in the right home. That’s why I did not euthanize him.
His prior owner told me to euthanize him. If he had wanted him PTS, he should have taken care of it himself. Besides, the dog has bilateral elbow dysplasia. He was not lame in the house but running in the kennel wasn’t good for him. He also required soaked dry food or canned food.
Dry food was getting stuck in his esophagus. He hated all dogs but he liked cats. A dog like him had to go to one experienced with dogs. While snarling at me, he was not trying to bite me. He also couldn’t be used for breeding due to his elbows and the fact that he attacked bitches.He was five years old.
As of now, I generally won’t go into a kennel with any of the dogs other than Nodder and his son, Rocky. Nodder is in the house.
Why? I normally get around with a walker.
However, on August 29, I totalled my car.
I’m in a rehab place. My left femur has an unhealed fracture in it. My left foot is a disaster. My right tibia was fractured at the ankle. Add to this a fx rib and three spinal fractures. I have no extra limbs to walk on.
The truth with dogs other than pitties is this. Be a leader. Never show fear. Use no unfair corrections.
The dogs learn to accept the rules. Don’t mix up commands. Nodder absolutely adores chicken. He won’t bite me over chicken, but I won’t be able to get it back.
Oh, bad luck with the car crash – heal up soon!
With so many homeless steady stable GSD out there, keeping one with the dismal attributes you’ve listed as if the right home is out there seems like a weird ego thing. Why would you put a potential biter and general walk on eggshells dog into a home that a stable dog could occupy? That’s weird and not how I’d advocate for dogs needing rehoming.
its the complete opposite the germans are experts at breeding dogs the demand ;correctness of mind’ so the best dogs hail from the fatherland
Germany made the GSD the number one breed in the world with Hemophilia A.
Hemophilia equals Dead Dog. German GSDs have high prey drive. High prey drive equals cat and livestock killers, but those dogs are mentally stable. They require good handlers and secure fencing.
If they had marijuana then would it have been a crime to keep a vicious dog breed that killed their kids or is that only reserved for stupid 19 year old kids who are getting high in a different area of the residence? Why are so many vicious dog attacks left without criminal charges in California? It seems like the local DA’s are lazy pit nutters who allow human deaths to go unpunished despite the fact that it’s “not the breed it’s the owners” seems like it’s not the owners either it just a “tragic accident” like sitting in the open window of a fast moving car while going up the grapevine was a “tragic accident” thatm cost a teenager her life but resulted in zero charges against the driver! Just left the rest of the people who tried to save her with PTSD from seeing her injuries! I’m sure the hospital staff & first responers aren’t getting off as easy as the parents!
What happened?
Bigman Hawkins;
Dog bite not big deal …
6 years ago ..
Now – it is a big deal – and everyone is devastated ..
He, also, can edit this appeal :
oh wow more nutters
The father STILL has pics of him and his nasty pit bulls on his FB page! Can you imagine still having pics of the beasts that killed your kid on your FB page? I just can’t relate.
Yep. His last post was that of his daughter at a birthday party, that he posted yesterday. It’s unbelievable he could post that while looking at his cover photo and profile pictures of him slobbering over his stupid dogs. A true pit worshipper. Sacrifice those children to those gods.
I’m glad he didn’t rush in to clean up and lock down his social media – this way we can get a feel for what the family/pitbull situation was. I suspect that he?) won’t be sharing so many pitbull-positive posts in the future.
Yeah, I just don’t get it. So will he opt to keep them after this?
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1649753221889781&set=pb.100005653570576.-2207520000&type=3 thinks its 100 percent reliable,,,,,,,,,that didnt age well
“How do you know you can trust someone?”
“If it barks or purrs is 100% good and reliable…”
The implication is that human beings cannot be trusted.
Zoey Hawkins trusted her parents.
murder! clear history of aggression https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=830241613840950&set=pb.100005653570576.-2207520000&type=3
Clear history of aggression from which pit bull? There are apparently multiple ones in the household. They lose pit bulls and sell/swap/rehome pit bulls too (no surprise).
ANY OF THEM is my reaction We both know it was probably a dog fight, for anyone to normalize look i was bitten ……….
they fall into ‘thou do protest too much ‘ on and on and on about the kind gentle breed etc yet here I am at ER random dog bite ! nothing new here , not we made a difficult decision to euthanize so and so after this ‘hospital bite ‘ in the the world of professional training the first thing you ask if someone has a dog with ”issues’ is has it bitten? if yes was it a hospital bite? if yes all dogs go to heaven he needs the express ticket . not i can ‘rehab’ etc
From experience dog training I can tell ya–owners LIE about what their dogs, do.
I had a very extensive checklist of behaviours for assessing the situation not because I’d suggest putting the dog down or refuse the dog (which is what owners afraid of) but because it gave me a place to start *safely* for myself and anything around that dog.
Got bit one time by a fluffy little Maltese. Asked the owner “I thought you said he didn’t bite?”
She answered, “He only bites my husband”
Turns out the little reprobate bit anyone who didn’t cater to him. Had I known that, I wouldn’t have started out, teaching “sit”–I would have started with household behavioural management *first*.
Thoughts and prayers fall far short. People need to wake up.
It takes literally 5 minutes of research on the internet to find the truth.
Without laws recognizing that pitbulls pose special risk, everyone can pretend that they never could have guessed their pitbull would attack, can act completely clueless as to WHY their dog hurt someone.
“Pitbulls are vicious” is a sentence written in a meme the father (or stepfather?) shared. He and other pit owners are aware. But without laws they can get away with pretending they never knew they were putting everyone around them at risk.
Her father I don’t know why my sweet pit attack my little girl.I can tell him why he’s a pitbull a dangerous dog .I find it funny how he saying that the police got it wrong where she got attack who freaking care your lovable dog killed your firstborn baby if Zoey his oldest shame two years with that beast and he killed your sweet baby girl.pitbull nutters never listen.
Sweet Zoey was an adopted child in this family
Wow, adopted. Now I feel extra sad for Zoey. It seems to me that requiring that adoptive homes do not contain pits or other potentially dangerous dogs should be a requirement before custody can happen. Colleen has covered cases where foster kids or newly adopted kids were killed by pitbulls and I find those stories extra infuriating.
I’m glad that the parents are transitioning to a dog-free household. It is a reasonable and intelligent choice. RIP Zoey.
Another father of a slaughtered child on social media banging the “save a sweet Pittie drum”. Well, I guess now he understands why those of us with the sense to do some research (and respect the reality of said research) do not promote Pitbull Terriers as family pets. Not if you want to keep your family intact.
I will not offer a dime to these idiot’s Go Fund Me accounts unless that account spells out exactly what happened to their defenseless child because of their stupidity and contempt for the truth.
I applaud Daxton Borchardt’s father and the owner of the two Pitbull Terriers who destroyed that little boy for their willingness to share their horrific story and bring the truth to light about this dog breed! If you don’t agree with my description of “destroyed” I invite you to have a look at his autopsy photographs.
U.O., You’re spot on. I have heard Daxton’s father speak out. Like many brave people who do, he’s been ridiculed and threatened by these savage dog maniacs. It takes tremendous courage to expose the pit bull lies and propaganda. I’m still waiting and wondering if the family who had their TWO children “destroyed” by their vicious family pets will ever speak out? Imagine all the precious little lives that could be saved if the victim’s families could speak without fear of retribution.
ANY serious Professional knows pit bulls attack with a velocity ferocity and tenacity not seen in other breeds in part due to genetic LOADING because these men who breed them inbreed with zero taboo hence its not a breed its a genetic frankenstien
Collen maybe you should contact UC Davis they already identified a genetic marker in malionis for individuals with deleterious genes that cause a propensity for aggression , its the same thing in Pits regarding the seemingly ‘unpredictable’ so a possible solution might develop a test identify these individuals and if you want to keep a dog with genetic propensity,,,,,,,,,,, these shelters could be forced to test and if a startling number had the marker at least we know , fast track to heaven https://vgl.ucdavis.edu/test/behavior-propensity-belgian-malinois
Kelly, my drawback with that is that Malinois are clever and useful. Like Bouviers, you want to find the faulty line and eradicate it–because the breeds are functional.
Pitbulls are genetically programmed to kill apex predators.
That’s not a flaw it’s a function.
Making them utterly useless in a human society where dogfighting is illegal.
“She’s been around this dog for two plus years,” Vargas said. “Her and the dog would always play with each other … so we have no clue on what the reason was.”
This is why we need legislation to protect people and pets from these bully breeds: because so many people refuse to accept the facts, or do their homework, at best. At worst, they use these aggressive dogs as a form of passive-aggression; they won’t hit you, but they want a dog that might kill you.
What puzzles me is why the authorities don’t remove the other children from the home if these dogs are still present in the home. They would remove children from the home if someone used drugs, or hit their partner, most of the time. Why not for this? Because the other children most surely are at risk.
It is likely that they did not remove the children because the parents agreed to give up all their animals. They euthanized the attacker and they may be rehomed the others…
We also needs ENFORCEMENT of the legislation. Having a law on the books does nothing.
Your Quiet Neighbor, we know you’re right about that because of Ontario, where authorities apparently decided they’re not going to enforce the pitbull ban, based upon what I have heard about the ubiquity of pits in Ontario. Did the police decide it would be too much effort? Looks like pit owners in Ontario who think they are above the law are right.
100% I’m up to my eyeballs in pitbulls, including aggressive ones and not a muzzle to be found even though by law they *all* must be muzzled, bite history or not.
That’s why I’m for purely banning pitbulls. You cannot own one. Period. They should have been grandfathered out years ago, according to the BSL here but we’re up to our butts in them. Since pitbull nutters can’t seem to get their act straight, as far as I’m concerned, they lost their opportunity.
All we’re doing now is rewarding lawbreaking.
The ridiculousness of the pit bull addicts rolling out the “adopt a pit bull” memes while breeding more pit bulls.
Poor little girl never stood a chance, there were years of lead up aggression ending in this attack just brushed off like the dog bite to the subhuman father’s hand. Dying from being mauled under the arm pit must have been so incredibly painful and terrifying.
another facebook fot their dogs https://www.facebook.com/minnie.hawkins.376
not sure if you saw this Coleen https://www.facebook.com/share/p/PF3myQ46iYAopdiz/
There’s something incredibly creepy about this picture.
Creepy is denial …
Nothing happened ..
See : we are smiling. We moved on.
So should you.
And we are not sorry for disturbing the planet with our choices.
I do not doubt that they went thru hell in private, God forbid, but at least – do not emit the wrong message in a public appearance.
This is genuinley sad. I live in this city and just the other week seen 2 pitbulls bolt out of a house and chase down some cats while taking my dog on a walk. Thankfully I has passed the spot that they going towards already. But who knows what could’ve happened if I was walking slower that day.
I know a lot of people here believe pitbulls are natrual killers and it’s the breed. While I do agree they are likley to be mentally ill and will want to kill a animal/person more likley then any other breed. I think the owners are also at fault. A lot of the times, these pitbulls kill people/animals because of the owners pure negligence and lack of control over their dogs. It’s ridiculous how many owners let their aggressive dogs to go outside freely without a leash.
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