The post Snow Much Fun: Subi’s Guide to Surviving Canadian Winters by Amanda Lin appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on
Welcome to the Wednesday Dogs of Dogster! Every Wednesday, we share a story from one of our Dogsters. This week is about Amanda and her sweet Chihuahua, Subi.
Subi is the poster child for: she likes what she likes. She’s a bit meek and enjoys keeping to herself most of the time, but on a handful of days is full of personality—especially when the temperature outside is just right. She thrives in good weather. A balmy sunny day is her forte. Speaking from 34 years of experience: Canadian winters can be brutal and tend to last much longer than their predetermined season. Making outdoor time nearly impossible for her little body to manage 8 months out of the year.
We’ve been through quite a few cold snaps and massive slow falls this year, which means that time doing laps in our backyard has been limited for Subi. Although I’m sure she prefers the wind in her hair while she potties, she’s been an absolute champ at using her pee pad (or has come very close to the edge of it). Her trips outdoors are little pockets of fun, a dip out of the mundane. It’s a bit sad to see her choose the warmth of our home over exploring the great outdoors, but I can’t say I blame her. The smallest pile of snow is no match for her wee legs, and her hairless belly skims the peaks.
In the summer, I am lucky to get through a night without Subi performing a tap recital by my bed. A cue that it’s time for a bathroom break, she proceeds to take her time sniffing about and barking at the darkness. Apologies to my neighbors.
In the winter, however, all is calm and quiet. We leave a trail of lights on for Subi so she can find her way through the night if she needs to pee. Although, she suspiciously seems to make it through the night this time of year. She must be itching for a late-night escapade in the peak of summer instead of actually requiring a potty break.
Canadian Peak-a-Boo Spring Days
Today is one of those good days. Feels like spring almost. The sun is out, the air is crisp but not cold. The sidewalks are starting to reappear. Subi watches from the window as the temperature shifts. Weary of the grey skies and ice-covered pavement, she is now ready to bust out and make up for lost time. The minutes ticked on as I sat like a doorman waiting for her to return to the steps. After a generous amount of time passed, she rocketed around the corner and up the steps, ready to return to the cozy of home. These days are a tease since tomorrow will likely bring another round of snow and steep temperatures, but it’s super cool to see Subi take advantage of these days when we have them. I’ll still ask her on the cold days if there’s a chance she’d like to brave the winter air, but most times, it is a resounding no. One thing I do know is that we will repeat this outdoor expedition a few times today. As long as she is willing, I am happy to work the door.
Subi might shy away from the cold, but when the conditions are just right, she’s the happiest Chi you’ll ever see. Those spring-like winter days are a reminder that even the most cautious hearts can find joy when the right circumstances come together.
Cute Side Story
Subi’s quite happy going outside at my parent’s house since they have ample space free of snow, and she can easily bop in and out when needed. We spent Christmas Eve with my whole family here and this was a decent day. No sun but also no frigid wind cold enough to take your breath away. My dad carved out a trail from their home to the detached garage after each snowfall for easy access. Subi went to the garage, around a flower bed, and found herself at a dead end. Instead of turning around, she hopped straight into a foot of snow and plowed (more like snow swam, I imagined her paws doggy paddling below the surface), slowly inching her way through the mound of snow. Her round body was just big enough to keep her from sinking. I stood on the sidelines cheering her on, wondering if I should jump in for the rescue. It didn’t take her long. This was one of those moments that you can’t help but laugh at because it was uncharacteristic, but she made it unscathed and was just as cheerful as ever once her paws hit the deck. Perhaps a once-in-a-lifetime experience and I’m so happy to have been a witness.
- Read her previous article: The 12 Days of Christmas If Written by Dogs
The post Snow Much Fun: Subi’s Guide to Surviving Canadian Winters by Amanda Lin appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on